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Exploring the Original Generation of Pokemon | Culture of Gaming

I’ve decided to look back at the Pokemon games that I used to play in my childhood. Boy has it been a ride for me. Compared to modern games, the retro Pokemon might not have the best story, music, and especially graphics, yet I am still drawn to it. I had no problems reliving this old simplistic game. I wondered if there was some sort of formula as to why the Pokemon games did so well. Why is it still so interesting? So let’s start at the beginning of it all, as we explore the origins of the world of Pokemon.




Another thing going for the gameplay is the potential exploration. You travel through the large region of Kanto, and experience the journey yourself. The amount of towns, routes, and just the plain layout of the world are vast and plentiful.

Graphics and Music

Considering graphics and music, Pokemon was probably one of the most amazing games to come out in its generation. The graphics are probably not what most people look for now, and the music isn’t in a good spot for either. But when you consider the fact that this came out in 1998 on a hand held console of all things, you got to give a game credit where it’s due. The music is simple and not as clear as today’s games, but it fits the game like a glove. The simple electronic music is used amazingly well to situated what is going on in the game. Each town has their own music to signify the mood, and by god does it do that well. A good example is Saffron City, with its sinister ambiance. Despite its bland electronic sounds, the game does have a good atmosphere built with its digital melodies alone.


The first generation of Pokemon has by far been outdated and surpassed for ages, but it is still timeless and enjoyable. Though the graphics can be considered laughable in today’s society, the game fits together like a perfect puzzle. The story entices you into the world as the protagonist, the gameplay is very individualized and is made for you to explore and journey. The ambient music, while simple, gives a decent atmosphere. Of course, it has it has its limitations and downsides. From a story perspective it makes no sense, and the gameplay can be repetitive at times. However, the individualization that the game provides is enough to encourage me to complete my journey. Pokemon has come a long way, developing new ideas and expanding the world. After playing the first gen, you come to appreciate the journey that this franchise has traveled.

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